Robert Brandenberger

PSC 2021.09.10 Robert Brandenberger, McGill University

Robert Brandenberger - Emergent Metric Space-Time and Early Universe Cosmology from the BFSS...

Fine-Tuning Conversations: Robert Brandenberger and David Sloan 4, Inflation in the Future

Fine-Tuning Conversations: Robert Brandenberger and David Sloan 1, Evidence For Inflation

TbS PM6: Prof. Robert Brandenberger's advice for students#motivation#advice#help#science#physics

Robert Brandenberger - Emergent cosmology from matrix theory

Interview with Prof. Robert Brandenberger

Fine-Tuning Conversations: Robert Brandenberger and Dave Sloan 3, Inflation and Alternatives

TQ7: What is String Cosmology? One of the founders, Prof. Robert Brandenberger himself explains!

Summary of the Meeting by Robert Brandenberger

Robert Brandenberger - Emergent Metric Space-Time from the BFSS Matrix Model

Robert Brandenberger: 'Emergent Cosmology from Matrix Theory'

Robert Brandenberger (McGill): Is inflationary cosmology consistent with fundamental physics?

Robert Brandenberger, Trans-Planckian Censorship Conjecture & Implications for Early Universe Cos...

Robert Brandenberger (McGill University) HET Seminar 02.28.22

Chandrasekhar Lecture 1 | Robert Brandenberger | October 21, 2021

Robert Brandenberger - String cosmology and the breakdown of local effective field theory

Emergent Metric Space-Time and Early Universe Cosmology from the Matrix Model Robert Brandenberger

Robert Brandenberger, Does Inflationary Cosmology Suffer From Fine-Tuning Problems?

Robert Brandenburger: Emergent space and its possible observational signatures

Emergent Metric Spacetime from a Matrix Model - Robert H. Brandenberger

Fine-Tuning Conversations: Robert Brandenberger and David Sloan 2, Inflation Predicts

Talk by Professor Robert Brandenberger, McGill University, Canada at QASTM seminar

Robert Brandenberger - October 28, 2021 - Nonsingular Cosmologies and Black Holes with S-Branes